Rocalba : Hobby Catalogue

78 EDIBLE FLOWERS BROMPTON STOCK MATTHIOLA INCANA The flowers are used as a sweet condiment with a certain spiciness, especially used in sweet desserts, since they are quite aromatic. Wash and dry them gently by immersing them in a bowl of water and shaking gently. spring summer Ref: 9690 2g FNGF POT MARIGOLD CALENDULA OFFICINALIS Pot Marigolds have a slightly spicy flavour and will add a light, tangy flavor to bread and soups, as well as adding a pop of colour. They will be a bright and tasty addition to a mixed salad. You can use fresh or dried petals as an inexpensive substitute for saffron to add colour to rice or butter. The fresh young leaves can also be used sparingly in salads. Wash and dry them gently by immersing them in a bowl of water and shaking gently invierno primavera Ref: 9650 10g FNGF ALYSSSUM ALYSSUM MARITIMUM The leaves and flowers of sweet alyssum have a strong honey-like flavour with a slightly spicy taste, similar to kale. Try adding them to salads, cold soups or even omelettes. Wash and dry them gently by immersing them in a bowl of water and shaking gently. spring summer Ref: 9610 2g FNGF BEGONIA BEGONIA SEMPERFLORENS The brightly coloured flowers have a luscious light, a lemony flavour, and a crunchy texture. Use cut petals as a garnish on salads and sandwiches or dio whole petals in flavored yogurt and serve as an appetizer. Only the tubular petals of begonia are edible. The petals contain oxalic acid and therefore should only be consumed in moderation. winter Ref: 9600 0,1g FNGF GARDEN NASTURTIUM TROPAEOLUM MAJUS The fresh leaves and flowers have a spicy flavour similar to that of watercress. The flowers will add a spicy touch to salads and the green seeds can be chopped and used with parsley as a garnish or to make capers. Try them paired with creamcheese or butter on canapes, or in a cheese and tomato sandwich. Wash and dry themgently by immersing them in a bowl of water and shaking gently. winter spring Ref: 9660 10g FNGF SNAPDRAGON ANTIRRHINUM MAJUS These pretty flowers can be used as garnishes or toppings, but can have a mild or sometimes bitter taste typical of mustard. Wash and dry them gently by immersing them in a bowl of water and shaking gently. winter spring Ref: 9630 2g FNGF Sowing time Edible Flowers